lawn care articles home & patio articles gardening articles
Late Summer Flowers Green Lawn Care Water Conservation Composting Lawn Tools Drought Stress Fall Landscaping
Green Landscaping Water the Lawn Pruning Tow & Lawn Rollers Grass Types (p1) Zen Landscaping Storm Water Runoff
Aerating the Lawn Lawn Spreaders Grass Types (p2) Prairie Garden Cisterns & Rain Barrels Plant Pruning Lawn Mowers
Lawn Mowing Tips Preseason Pruning Arbor Day Tree Pruning Container Landscaping Lawn Care Niwaki Cloud Pruning
the Garden Room Tree Planting Re-Landscaping Espalier Pruning

lawn care articles home & patio articles gardening articles
Foyer Gardens Bird Houses Firepits & Chimineas Desktop Zen Gardens Patio Shade Bonsai Gardening Norfolk Island Pine
Zen Kitchen Butterfly Watching Outdoor Zen Bonsai Trees Bamboo Zen Gardens Pet Travel
Zen of a Firepot Tis the Season Feng Shui Indoor Zen Attracting Birds Mini Zen Gardens Container Trees
Wind Chill The Christmas Cactus Bonsai Pruning Japanese Snow Garden Zen

lawn care articles home & patio articles gardening articles
Container Basics Greenhouses pt 1 Cabbage & Lettuce What is Fertilizer? Drought Gardening Container Gardening Greenhouse Gardening
Potato Gardening Fertilizers & Compost Plant Rotation Container Plants Greenhouse in Summer Chili Peppers Organic Fertilizers
Tomato Seeds Container Planters Greenhouse Extra Begonias Winterizing Outdoors Seed Germination Patio Gardening
Greenhouse Heating Aloe Vera Plant Indoor Gardening Garden Seeds Plant Zone Map Pollinators Garlic
Gardening Zen Garden Planning Fruit Trees Greenhouse Cleaning Cold Frames Raised Garden Beds Vertical Gardens
Cottage Gardens Greenhouse Living Garden Seedlings Organic Fertilizers (2) Keyhole Gardens Polar Vortex Garden Hydroponic Gardening


About LawnZenGarden

Founded in 2011, a web designer had an idea to mix a band of available talent and put together a website dedicated to helping homeowners improve their living spaces both asthetically and ecologically.

Our resident writer and Zen Master has extensive gardening experience going back to when she was a young girl learning from her grandfather. She's considered a gardening specialist and a regular contributor to a number of gardening sites on the web and we're lucky to have her with LawnZenGarden.

Her husband provides sourcing, logistics and internet marketing and advertising. Along with a long retail and security background, both husband and wife have an extensive internet background.

The other half of our dual husband-wife team seemed to exquisitly compliment the others' talents.

The wife has a number of handy business related skills, combining business administration and finance degrees and extensive experience in technical operations, her wide-ranging talents give us a well-rounded knowledge base for running QuazisDiggers. Better yet, she's always considered gardening a zen thing.

Her husband completes the team. With an extensive history in the lawn and garden industry, he also brings extensive marketing communications, graphics, web design, development and search engine optimization experience.

Together they formed Quazis Diggers, the parent company of LawnZenGarden. Quazi Modo was a German Shepherd, Husky and Collie mix. The other parents owned a Golden Retriever at the same time named Digger. Both have been gone for a while, but in a particularly creative moment, Quazis Diggers became an endearing entity.

It is our goal to keep our site fresh and relevant, updating articles and the products we offer. We hope this includes your feedback!

Thank you for your visit.