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A flower sitting with a group of dark rocks, bamboo, grass and the LawnZenGarden logo. A flower sitting with a group of dark rocks, bamboo, grass and the LawnZenGarden logo.

HOMELawn Care Articles

ZEN LANDSCAPING ~ Balance & Harmony
by Carole Schwalm Black and white rocks arranged in the pattern of a yin yang in an outdoor lawn.

Landscapes can speak to you if you listen. They can reveal their moods if you feel them. They can show you their true nature if you learn to see and experience them directly. (Eva Wong)

September is an opportune time to walk through your outdoor space and visualize what you might want to do next year. (It also gives you something to research through the winter months).

Picture of far off mountains through a patch of evergreen trees Books about Feng Shui often include pictures of the ideal setting with mountains embracing a home. There is a winding stream and lovely trees perfectly placed for protective ch’i. Wish we could have that! Can we recreate good vibes anyway?

Picture of large rocks balanced upon each other The mountains? Use larger rock formations arranged in groups. Or, let them stand alone. Rocks are contrasts to the gentleness of earth and plants or yin and yang. Large trees, especially in groups of three are ‘guardians.’ Evergreens give you uninterrupted green.

The stream? You can use rocks, recreating a gently curving stream. A real pool or a pond, especially with healthy fish (think koi pond) would be ideal. If building a pond, curve it toward your house to recreate the embracing energy.

Picture of colorful flower Where could you put a fountain? They increase cash flow or encourage prosperity. You don’t need real turtles, but a nice turtle sculpture promotes longevity.

Do you have the space for a narrow, curved path leading you around the yard as you meditate in solitude. Your route should be filled with ‘new discoveries’ or vantage points as you walk along.

Flowers are subtle and balanced, more interesting to look at, indigenous rather than exotic look natural, even though you are following a careful plan. Plants should be healthy. Non-healthy plants aren’t guardians, instead they attract negative energies.

Share your xeriscape experience or if you'd like more information.