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by Carole Schwalm
Garlic is one of the ‘holy trinity’ of Italian (for some), Cajun, Caribbean, etc. cooking.
Garlic is better planted any time from fall to spring – best (some say) if planted before Christmas. When planted now, they thrive over the winter and are ready to harvest in the summer. Garlic needs several weeks of cold weather to allow the cloves to form. Later, as the temperatures warm, it starts to grow.
Break the bulb into cloves and plant pointy ends up. Plant approximately 3-4” deep (though some gardeners swear it is better to only plant them 1/2”) and about 6” apart in a free-draining soil. Keep the soil loose around them when planting and mulch over winter. Water sparingly because it hates to sit in damp soil, but don’t let the plants get dry.
When the tops of the garlic fall over and die, the bulb is ready. Pull up the bulbs and let dry for a couple of days.
Roast Garlic Jam (From Royal Horticulture Society)
The report is that this is delicious with brochetta
Chop or grind the garlic until it forms a paste and mix in the remaining ingredients. Makes about 2/3 of a cup.
Share your garlic gardening experience or if you'd like more information.
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